Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Robert Tractor Traylor dead at age 34

    According to Elnuevodia, a newspaper in Puerto Rico, Traylor died Tuesday of a massive heart attack. The former Michigan standout who was drafted in 1998 but never panned out, died Tuesday at the age of 34. Traylor was part of the heralded "2nd Fab 5" recruiting class at Michigan in 1994, but they never produced the magic of the original group.

    First Oliver Miller is arrested at a BBQ, and now Traylor dies. Its seems all my favorite fat athletes are, well, ending up just like everyone expected.
    And as if being traded on draft day for Dirk Nowitzki wasn't bad enough, dying in Puerto Rico has to be the worse place to die in the world. It isn't even a country or a state so I'm pretty sure they have no rules. Your body is just wrapped up in a corn tortilla and put on a raft made from old tires and pushed towards Miami. And that's only if you have money there.

Update by Les:
On the bright side you can always write off fixed/capital assets (i.e. farm equipment) against profits over the anticipated life (ironic in this case) by charging depreciation expenses.

...(sigh)...just dotting the i's on my entrance papers for hell

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