Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Slut to attempt 180

Sasha Grey Done With Porn, Refuses to Play Any Sex-Related Roles

It is official – Sasha Grey has parted ways with the porn industry because at the ripe ol’ age of 23, she’s done it all.
“There wasn’t anything left for me to do. I accomplished all of my goals and the next would be to produce/direct movies from my own production company,”

Nonetheless, acting in the more “traditional” sense isn’t the only avenue Grey is now exploring.
“I'm working on my band (entitled aTelecine) and we’re coming out with an album called the ‘Falcon in the Pod

Good luck with that band thing and that real actress thing.  Anytime she is ever hired as a real actress it will be done is some sort publicity type move, "hey look at us, we are so real that we hired a porn star but in a regular role.  Ya we really are that cutting edge and people will finally see it....please pass that plate of coke, (snfffff) ahhhh thank you"

“(People think) that we’re dumb girls that were victims of abuse, strung out on drugs, that we don’t know what we are doing, and aren’t business-minded.

This is her best line.  This is like Steve Nash saying "I hate what people think about basketball players.  We are not all young black men from hard backgrounds who through athletic ability and talent were able to better their lives."  Ya no shit there are exceptions but to it make it seem like the porn industry isn't a road paved with the souls of drug addicted teenage girls with dreams of stardom is a joke.  Just cause she was literally born a whore and did not have her hand forced into it by circumstance doesn't mean every 95 lb 19 year old getting hollowed out by 7 black guys is choosing to be there to feel self empowered and to take back her sexuality for women everywhere. 

-Les Anderson

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