Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Players actually shit on Dusty Baker

When Dusty Baker's departure as manager of the Cubs was all but certain, he had to deal with a truly abominable act.
"At the very end, somebody took a dump right where I stood in the dugout every day," Baker told FOX Sports. "That was the low point. The grounds crew guy cleaned it up. He said, 'Oh, I think it’s dog crap.' I said, 'No it ain’t. That’s human crap.'"
That would be bad enough if that incident was isolated, but Baker also had to deal with threatening phone calls and letters that all too often skewed into the racist category. No one knows if the two incidents are connected, but the overall message is the same of intolerance.

Dusty gets a lot more heat in this town than he actually deserves, no doubt stemming from the racist undertones this city claims doesn't exist. But that doesn't mean he is above getting shit on if he's not doing his job. We can only boo so much before we have to take more drastic measures. But who would be at the top of the shitting suspect list? Its obviously an inside job. Maybe Mark Prior- Baker basically killed his career by over pitching him. Or maybe it was Paul Bako, who thought he deserved more playing time. But more likely than not it was Moises Alou. If a guy has no problem pissing all over his hands, to toughen up his skin, then he has to be the first one questioned in any pooing incident in the dugout.

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