Thursday, April 21, 2011

Cubs threw 1918 World Series

CHICAGO -- If Chicago has been willing to believe that a cow caused the Great Chicago Fire, maybe it will buy this one: The White Sox got the idea to throw the 1919 World Series after the Cubs did the same thing one year earlier.
That's the suggestion -- more of a hint, really -- from Eddie Cicotte, one of the infamous Black Sox banned from baseball after their tainted World Series against Cincinnati.
In a 1920 court deposition the Chicago History Museum recently put on its website, Cicotte said "the boys on the club" talked about how a Cub or a number of Cubs were offered $10,000 to throw the 1918 Series they lost 4-2 to the Boston Red Sox.
Cicotte is as vague as vague can be, failing to name any names or provide any details about how the players might have done it or even if he believes the Cubs threw the Series. But if what he suggests is true it means that when it came to fixing ball games in the early 20th century, Chicago was nobody's Second City.

   Yeah, we threw the 1918 World Series.We also have thrown every year since then. Yeah, yeah that's it. We haven't won a championship because we are getting paid not too.
   It's pretty obvious, the Bartman debacle doesn't just happen, he was clearly part of a scandal. So was Ryan Dempster when he walked 7 fucking guys in the 2008 playoffs. Same with Leon Durham letting that ball go between his legs in the '84 playoffs. I was gonna make a joke but listing these events just made me depressed. So here are some pictures of hot chicago cubs fans.

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